Last night I dreamed that Hillary and Obama were two of the guests on the Big Brother reality series and that the DNC decided that rather than holding a convention, they would send Billary and Obama-rama to the show to determine who should be the Democratic Nominee for POTUS (President Of The United States).

Come to think of it that just might be a fair way for us to choose the nominee but also the POTUS. Just imagine November 2007 all declared Candidates for the POTUS, both Democrat and Republican, arrive at the B.B. House ( henceforth, BBH). They have to team up and share rooms with each other, eat, sleep and generally do what they never do on the campaign trail--listen to each other.
Each Month, one of the candidates is voted out of the house by the voting public. The one that is left standing on November 2008 is crowned the POTUS for the next 4 years. There would have to be a few concessions in the interest of fairness.

Since Billary is the only woman (?) then there would have to be a rule that she could not be voted off for at least 3 months. That would be the only way to save her past month one. Otherwise, she would be the first to go due to sheer dis-likability.

This would have given Fred Thompson a much better shot of staying in the race since he is used to performing before the cameras and was well liked in his roles. I was an early supporter of his but alas, he is a much better actor than he is a political candidate. He was drafted to run; he didn't seek the nomination, so his heart was never in it.

Ron Paul, while a likable candidate to the independent voter, is pretty much discounted by nearly everyone else (as is Ralph Nader) so with the Billary-safe rule he and Nader would most likely be the first two to leave the BBH.
That leaves Hunter, Tancredo, Romney, Guliani, Huckabee, McCain, Kuchenich, Obama-rama, Billary, Edwards, Merril, Lynch, Price, Waterhouse, Dean, Whitter, and TD Waterhouse. Over the next 12 months, I could see the tension mount as the candidates had to debate each other daily. Sharing household chores and cooking meals as a group. They should have to go do the grocery shopping in groups of at least three until all have done so.

They should have to try and run a household on the same kind of budget that real Americans have. They should also have to pay for all bills out of their own pockets rather than the taxpayer's. Oh the joy of watching as Billary has to sit in the doctor's waiting room for hours as she waits for that government mandated insurance to pay the doctor bills before he will treat her.
Perhaps they could bottle up some of the abundant hot air for use as a bio-fuel to help eliminate global warming. They could also compost most of the BS they all drop on the campaign trail to make a nice little fertilizer for the community garden they don't grow with the help of government subsidies.

They could even throw in a few everyday emergencies such as cutting off their cell phone for non payment of bills; or a severe water shortage that requires them to bath only once weekly to conserve water.
The candidates could take turns handling the emergencies in the middle of the night to allow the voters to see how they react under pressure. How would McCain react if his daughter had to quit work because she made too much money and the government cut her welfare because she made too much money? How would Billary react to Chelsea having to pay $400 a week for her share of insurance that was mandated especially if it meant she had to let her car go back because she could no longer make the payments--You have to cut somewhere.

Imagine the office of POTUS after 12 months of living with and listening to each other. Imagine the possibilities of the American public getting to see the candidates up close and personal, without all the speech writers and spin doctors surrounding them. Imagine seeing Hillary without makeup--well maybe there is a line you just don't cross even for reality T.V.
Still, I think I am on to something here. We could cut out all the expense of campaigning. There would be no need to raise money because they would have a captive audience. Think of the green house gases we could eliminate on the campaign trail alone. There would be so much good to putting them all together in a house and say "Come together with a plan to run America and make it strong again and do it as a group.

We could accomplish so much bi-partisanship and get things done for a change. You learn to cut corners and make sacrifices when you share a house with others. Everyone can't have their own way all the time. Maybe for the first time ever the Democrats and Republicans could finally agree on something. Even if it is as simple as what to fix for dinner.
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