The happy couple as the Wrestler/Minister, eldest daughter and Cousin IT look on.
I began to realize earlier this year that I am not ever going to win the Nobel Prize or be a prize winning actor, author or singer. I am at the point in my life that I realize that the best (read most active) years of my life have passed and the best I can hope for is to cruise into old age where I will be put into dry-dock and hopefully live to a ripe old age of at least eighty or ninety. Though I am sure that my children have contributed to shortening my life somewhat over the years. That is why I have started this blog.
This year my wife and I saw two daughters walk down the aisle. Since we are a blended family with four children between us, I only got the pleasure of walking one of them down the aisle. The other daughter was walked down the aisle by her paternal father. I call him that as I still look at her as my daughter, even if I did not help her mother to produce her.
Getting back to the two daughters walking down the aisle. The youngest went first in March of this year and the elder went a few months later in October. I dreamed for years that I would one day walk my little girl down the aisle. I envisioned a large grand wedding with many friends and guests and a reception that would last for hours. It was an affair that would set me back at least a year's pay. NOT!
The wedding was in a chapel in the Smokey Mountains with a former Pro Wrestler as the minister. Everything was over in about 30 minutes because they had to clean up for the next wedding. They did have a tight schedule after all!
It was a far cry from my dreams (and a lot less expensive since her future Mother-in-law chose the chapel and paid for it, so I am not want to complain that point) yet it was still poignant and a bitter-sweet event.
On the one hand, I was giving my little girl away to the man she had fallen in love with. On the other hand, my wife and I were soon to have a lot more freedom for doing the things we wanted. (When October came around, we could finally have our "Naked House"!)
The chapel was very small and nicely decorated. My Ex-wife and our son sat on the front pew. My wife and I on the second row. The Groom's family sat on the Right side of the aisle. After I walked her down the aisle and I told those gathered and the Wrestler/Minister that "her family and I do", I presented her to her husband-to-be.
That is when I got the first look at the Best Man. If you are familiar with Marilyn Manson, then you know what the guy looked like. For those of you over 40, watch "The Amazing Race" and look at the Goth "guy"--I use the term "guy" loosely here.
I very nearly grabbed my daughter and drug her back down the aisle, screaming "Hell No!!!!" I seriously did not want my daughter marrying into a family where the husband's Best Man/Cousin looked like a love child of Alice Cooper and Bjork. What would my grandchildren look like?
I stood there for a moment, debating whether I could make it out the door with her before I was tackled. I looked over at my wives (both current and Ex) and they both had this look of horror on their face because they knew me well enough to know what I was thinking. As if on cue they both shook their heads spasmodically, their eyes wide as saucers. I started to open my mouth to speak and the spasms got more violent. I was afraid their heads might suddenly snap off. I had no desire to see that happen even to my ex-wife, so I slinked over to sit beside my wife, resigned that my grandkids would look like Gomez Addams.
I made it through the wedding and after the honeymoon, my wife and I held an informal reception for them (the Son -of-Satan did not come to this event) before my new son-in-law left for the Air Force basic training.
The day my son-in-law left, my daughter moved back in with us. It seemed strange to me. Most girls get married then move OUT of the house to live with their new husband. MY daughter moved out, then got married, then moved back IN! I told her I thought she had it backwards but what is a father to do? I guess the naked house will have to wait a little longer.
This year my wife and I saw two daughters walk down the aisle. Since we are a blended family with four children between us, I only got the pleasure of walking one of them down the aisle. The other daughter was walked down the aisle by her paternal father. I call him that as I still look at her as my daughter, even if I did not help her mother to produce her.
Getting back to the two daughters walking down the aisle. The youngest went first in March of this year and the elder went a few months later in October. I dreamed for years that I would one day walk my little girl down the aisle. I envisioned a large grand wedding with many friends and guests and a reception that would last for hours. It was an affair that would set me back at least a year's pay. NOT!
The wedding was in a chapel in the Smokey Mountains with a former Pro Wrestler as the minister. Everything was over in about 30 minutes because they had to clean up for the next wedding. They did have a tight schedule after all!
It was a far cry from my dreams (and a lot less expensive since her future Mother-in-law chose the chapel and paid for it, so I am not want to complain that point) yet it was still poignant and a bitter-sweet event.
On the one hand, I was giving my little girl away to the man she had fallen in love with. On the other hand, my wife and I were soon to have a lot more freedom for doing the things we wanted. (When October came around, we could finally have our "Naked House"!)
The chapel was very small and nicely decorated. My Ex-wife and our son sat on the front pew. My wife and I on the second row. The Groom's family sat on the Right side of the aisle. After I walked her down the aisle and I told those gathered and the Wrestler/Minister that "her family and I do", I presented her to her husband-to-be.
That is when I got the first look at the Best Man. If you are familiar with Marilyn Manson, then you know what the guy looked like. For those of you over 40, watch "The Amazing Race" and look at the Goth "guy"--I use the term "guy" loosely here.
I very nearly grabbed my daughter and drug her back down the aisle, screaming "Hell No!!!!" I seriously did not want my daughter marrying into a family where the husband's Best Man/Cousin looked like a love child of Alice Cooper and Bjork. What would my grandchildren look like?
I stood there for a moment, debating whether I could make it out the door with her before I was tackled. I looked over at my wives (both current and Ex) and they both had this look of horror on their face because they knew me well enough to know what I was thinking. As if on cue they both shook their heads spasmodically, their eyes wide as saucers. I started to open my mouth to speak and the spasms got more violent. I was afraid their heads might suddenly snap off. I had no desire to see that happen even to my ex-wife, so I slinked over to sit beside my wife, resigned that my grandkids would look like Gomez Addams.
I made it through the wedding and after the honeymoon, my wife and I held an informal reception for them (the Son -of-Satan did not come to this event) before my new son-in-law left for the Air Force basic training.
The day my son-in-law left, my daughter moved back in with us. It seemed strange to me. Most girls get married then move OUT of the house to live with their new husband. MY daughter moved out, then got married, then moved back IN! I told her I thought she had it backwards but what is a father to do? I guess the naked house will have to wait a little longer.
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