Monday, March 22, 2010

The Beginning of the End

America, much like Rome, started it's fall yesterday as the Congress took it upon itself to circumvent the Constitution by voting on the amendments and by that, passing the Senate version of the bill. With this $2.4 Trillion bill we have no way of paying for without raising taxes on every single American that alreadys pays them.

Our congress is acting like the Politburo of the old USSR, in that it thinks it knows what we need and despite our protests, have forced us to accept this bill. Comrades Obama and Pelosi and 218 other Democrats have eptiomized the Big Brother of Orwell's 1984 by giving us what they want despite our desires.

No one could disagree with needed reforms such as were suggested for pre-existing conditions, or against the insurance companies arbitrarily cutting people for using their coverage. The argument is not the substance so much as the means of reform. To be certain, anyone who is pro-life would have voted against the bill on principle alone.

We could have achieved a comprehensive reform that addressed the supposed reason for the bill--affordable health care and the above mentioned reforms--all without hijacking the constitution and without getting government in the business of insurance. The problem is, the Democrats were so damned determined to get a victory, they strong-armed and cajoled and browbeat until they got their way. No one read the entire bill, and anyone that did, should have realized that there is no way to pay for it as is.

Forced health care will cost many jobs and what fringe benefits that most companies have left to enable them to pay for it. What good is insurance if everyone is out of a job? Who is going to pay for it then?

The bell has rung and there is no way to un-ring it. Once you give an entitlement, it becomes permanent. Social Security is an example. It was designed to a temporary measure that has lasted 50 years. Social Security is broken and with Government running it, there is no fixable solution. God Help us with them in charge of Helath Care.

To make matters worse, the IRS is in charge of enforcing Health Care. Can we say Big Brother? Conservative America should prepare to remove every single person from Congress and replace them with people that will do our will or else be practicing your Communist worker songs. Health Care should be changed to Health Scare.